Library of Congress: FSA 1-100

I've recently taken to combing through the Library of Congress archives to see what I can find.  Focusing more on what interests me visually than cultural significance I've collected a few images from the massive database.  Here is my collection from the first hundred pages (out of 8,000) of the Farm Security Administration archive.

Richard Avedon On White

Richard Avedon On White There are no props; there is nothing to lean on or hide behind. "I've worked out a series on no's," Avedon explains.  "No to exquisite light, no to apparent compositions, no to the seduction of poses or narrative. And all these no's force me to the 'yes.' I have a white background. I have the person I'm interested in and the thing that happens between us."

dailyDeTour: Thanksgiving

Throughout their lives together my grandparents took hundreds, if not thousands of pictures.  Documenting over fifty years of birthdays, christmases, houses moved to, cars bought, trips taken.  I had forgotten about the sometimes tradition of pulling out the projector after Thanksgiving dinner.  There's something comforting about stretching out on the floor with a full belly, listening to the kerplunk of the projector, and watching your family history go by.  It occurred to me this year that these images are probably a significant part of my love for imagery, and I am thankful they exist. Adam DeTour dailyDeTour

Adam DeTour dailyDeTour

Adam DeTour dailyDeTour

Adam DeTour dailyDeTour

Adam DeTour dailyDeTour